We spend a significant portion of our waking hours at work, and the condition of one’s work environment tends to have a substantial impact on our overall wellbeing and frame of mind. Clutter and disorganisation tend to have the same mental effect on people exposed to it, resulting in sub-optimal focus and productivity. In addition to this, a lack of sufficient hygiene maintenance can create an unhealthy environment, with employees getting sick and diseases circulating among staff for weeks.
With spring having arrived, it’s a great time to rejuvenate your office space with the help of a professional cleaning service and get everyone in a more productive and positive mood.
Here are a few reasons why a professional office cleaning will benefit you and your team:
Improved Air Quality
With office environments being enclosed spaces where dozens or even hundreds of people spend several hours a day, a lot of dust and bacteria will be present, which may contaminate the air that everyone breathes in. This contaminated air is not only hazardous to the general wellbeing of those exposed to it but will also increase the likelihood of people catching viruses and getting sick, which is never good for business. Clean, fresh air also aids in wakefulness and a feeling of general wellbeing. An added benefit is the deodorization and fresh, clean fragrance that lingers after a professional clean.
Improved Hygiene
A thorough cleaning of your offices, bathrooms, kitchens and communal areas vastly reduces the odds of food contamination and general illnesses being contracted due to an unhygienic atmosphere. A sparkling clean environment creates an overall sense of order and encourages workers to maintain this condition in their workspace.
Decluttered Workspace
As we all know, clutter is not only visually overwhelming but also tends to result in cluttered and unfocused thinking. Experts in optimised productivity advise that your workspace be organised and minimalistic, to aid in focus. With desks, closets, and floor space cleared of any unnecessary items and reorganising everything, your team will be able to concentrate on work and feel less burdened by distractions and struggling to find items such as stationery.
Shift Attitudes And Boost Morale
Spring is a time of renewal, and everyone feels more motivated and energised as winter’s cold subsides. Getting your work environment cleaned from top to bottom will invite and encourage that excitement of spring and the approaching summer, which compels workers to feel more content, motivated and productive.
At SSG Cleaning, we provide turnkey cleaning solutions to a variety of sectors to ensure a clean environment for all. We offer state of the art equipment that is safe, tested and environmentally friendly.